
Auditor Training

WIRE offers training for social auditors, both for basic auditing and for Continuous Professional Development (CPD). All training courses have been developed to address social auditing challenges such as subjectivity, time management, representative sampling, and methods of deception that auditors often encounter.

WIRE courses focus on specific auditor competencies and skills for both new and experienced auditors. Besides upskilling, WIRE training is built on rekindling auditor passion and belonging to the profession, working within scheme or customer specific requirements and criteria to make a difference to workers’ rights and their lives.

WIRE’s training programmes teach participants how to sequence thinking, to use their experience and professional knowledge and form habits to observe, analyse and question.

Trainers and Training Philosophy

WIRE trainers are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Experience in industry,
  • Past roles as mentors and thought leaders,
  • Experience of managing social audit programmes for Brands and Schemes,
  • Their work with NGO’s and civil society and;
  • Auditor training experience.
  • Ethics & Integrity in Social Auditing

They are chosen for their values and ideologies, a part of everyday practice that encourages social reform for a better society. Trainers are adept in adult learning theories that cultivate ways of thinking using a developmental approach.

Training Courses

The table below indicates the courses currently available. Courses are aimed at enhancing auditor skills and competencies. CPD credit is available to APSCA Members for APSCA recognised courses as shown in the table below. Scheme-specific courses and courses on additional topics can be generated or tailored as required. Please contact for further information and course schedules.

Auditing Competence and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Enhancing auditing skills to build on experience

Ref Course Delivery Duration Fee US$


Conducting Worker Interviews   Click to Register Online 8 hrs (1 day) US$ 275.00
GEN-MS-007 Writing & Managing Non-Conformities Online 8 hrs (1 day) US$ 275.00
GEN-COM-009 Data Collection & Analysis Online 8 hrs (1 day) US$ 275.00
GEN-COM-011 Gender Sensitive Auditing – An Introduction   Click to Register Online 8 hrs (1 day) US$ 275.00


Wages & Benefits – Wage Computation & Living Wages Online 8 hrs (1 day) US$ 275.00


Triangulation Using a Holistic Approach   Click to Register Online 8 hrs (1 day) US$ 275.00
GEN-MS-017 Grievance Mechanisms & Social Dialogue   Click to Register Online 8 hrs (1 day) US$ 275.00
GEN-COM-025 Ethics & Integrity Refresher   Click to Register Online 2 – 4 hrs (self-paced) US$ 125.00
GEN-COM-030 Ethics & Integrity Refresher (Chinese)   Click to Register Online 2 – 4 hrs (self-paced) US$ 75.00
(Introductory Offer)

For enquiries regarding course details and schedules please click here